
       今天凌晨,北京时间围绕河北科技大学韩春雨NgAgo关于实验可重复性的争论达到半年后,发表论文的《自然生物技术》(NBT)最后发表声明说是今天发表的Toni Cathomen同事(注:美国、德国和韩国的研究团队)的通信文章可能否认韩春雨原论文中有效编辑内源性基因的主要发现。如果一篇论文在发表后受到批评,NBT会对各种批评进行审慎和全面的评估,其将在2017年1月底之前完成对韩春雨NgAgo实验调查。以下是声明全文。

       韩春雨及其同事发表在《自然》中-生物技术DNA-guided genome editing using the Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute”(利用NgAgo进行DNA引导基因组编辑)一文的声明

       《自然-今天,《生物技术》利用了韩春雨及其同事的论文NgAgo进行DNA引导基因组编辑发表了编辑部关注Toni Cathomen以及同事的通讯文章,题为使用Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute(NgAgo)未能检测到DNA基因组编辑的指导。《自然》盘点基因“剪刀”的五大谜题:它是谁?来自哪里?

       《自然-《生物技术》已经仔细考虑了所有关于韩春雨和同事原著论文的评论。在任何情况下,如果一篇论文在发表后受到批评,我们都会仔细和全面地评估各种批评,这次也不例外。今天,我们不仅发表了Toni Cathomen以及同事的通信文章,这可能否认了有效编辑有效编辑内源性基因的主要发现;我们还与原论文一起发表了编辑道Cathomen以及同事的论文,以及其他地方发表的另一篇论文(doi:10.1007/s13238-016-0343-9)提出的担忧。目前,韩春雨和沈晓已经同意我们发表的编辑部关注,包括高峰和姜峰Yongqiang Wu认为这不合适。




       我们与论文作者进行了沟通,他们正在调查缺乏可重复性的潜在原因。我们把这份声明告诉了它。虽然调查仍在进行中,但韩春雨和沈晓同意我们的发布,高峰、姜峰和Yongqiang Wu目前还不合适。一旦完成这些调查,我们将向读者提供最新信息。


       Statement regarding“DNA-guided genome editing using the Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute” by Han Chunyu and colleagues,published in Nature Biotechnology

       Nature Biotechnology is today publishing an Editorial Expression of Concern,alongside a Correspondence entitled “Failure to detect DNA-guided genome editing using Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute” by Toni Cathomen and colleagues,in relation to a previously published paper “DNA-guided genome editing using the Natronobacterium gregoryi Argonaute” by Chunyu Han and colleagues。

       Nature Biotechnology has carefully considered all comments relating to the original paper by Han and colleagues。As in all cases where apaper encounters criticisms after publication,we have undertaken a careful and thorough evaluation of these criticisms。Today,we are publishing not only a Correspondence by Cathomen and colleagues that may refute the main finding of efficient editing of an endogenous gene claimed in the original paper,but alsoan Editorial Expression of Concern alongside the original paper to ensure that readers are aware of the concerns raised by the paper by Cathomen and colleagues and a report published elsewhere in the literature(doi:10.1007/s13238-016-0343-9)。At this time,two authors of the original paper,Chunyu Han and Xiao Shen,agree with this Editorial Expression of Concern,whereas Feng Gao,Feng Jiang and Yongqiang Wu do not feel that it is appropriate。


